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The Novers is clearly a valuable cultural and natural heritage site. In the case of the former it has been accepted by English Heritage as a site of national importance and is has been scheduled as such. The scheduling of the Novers is as a direct result of consultation between TCHT and English Heritage, scheduling being recognised by TCHT as a prerequisite to any grant application. The density and significance of the cultural remains has led to the whole of the 28.8 acres of the site being designated as a SAM (Scheduled Ancient Monument).
The modern bungalow and barn, previously part of the Novers, has now been sold as a separate property ‘Kiln House’ and is excluded from the scheduling. The current owners are sympathetic to the purchase and management of the site by Titterstone Clee Heritage Trust, as is the owner of the woodland itself. It seems clear that the Novers has much to offer in historical and environmental value to both local and more distant communities in South Shropshire. The nature of the remains, currently uniquely intact, are fragile and vulnerable and should the property fall into more commercial ownership there is a real danger that this resource could be lost to the nation and to the local communities of which it is historically an important component part.
The plight of the Novers was presented to a local audience in the Spring of 2006 and there was a very clear desire that it should if at all possible be preserved as a community space. It was this community enthusiasm, not only for the Novers but for the hill as a whole, that acted as a catalyst for the creation of ‘Titterstone Clee Heritage Trust’. The aims of the Trust as stated in the Deed of Trust are:
The purchase and management of the Novers falls within the remit of these aims and is seen as a first step in an ambitious long term project to raise awareness of the unique landscape of Titterstone Clee Hill.